13 March, 2016

Let's Start Trying!

We finally started trying summer of '14. I was excited and anxious and knew that in a few short months, we would start making plans and begin putting together a nursery. Month after month after month passed. I was depressed after every month came and went and my cycle progressed like clockwork. I got more and more anxious, but found distracting tasks to take up time such as the spur of the moment decision to apply for grad school. Applications were due in less than a month and I had to take the GRE two weeks after deciding to apply. I made it into grad school and happily started buying books for the next semester Christmas came and went.
W and I moved. My oldest brother built a gorgeous home and offered to rent us their old home at a discount.
And then came Martin Luther King Day. My period was late. Not too late, just a day or two. I was antsy and could not concentrate on my reading. W picked up on my mood and we picked up a pregnancy test at the store. ("But we can't just get a pregnancy test. Think of other things we can buy...")
Once home, I took the test and got that glorious word. A word that is special yet fleeting for me.

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